Is it too ambitious to say we want to change the world ?
We are on a mission to inspire community around creating a home + life with products that spark hope + ignite dreams from the maker to the customer. The pieces that we decorate our homes with and that we wear on our bodies can carry beautiful stories of hope.
Our products are thoughtfully made by artisans in rural Honduras.
Since the first time I met Dilcia and Maribel in Honduras circa 2012 and they said yes to the crazy journey of SoloHope, now EverHope Collective, they have been family. We have walked together through births, graduations, and celebrations as well as hardships and loss. In 2020, while living full-time in Honduras, my husband and I learned that the baby growing inside me had anencephaly and life outside the womb was not viable.
During one of the hardest seasons of my life, the artisans of EverHope Collective--my sisters prayed for me, cried with me, and ultimately carried me. The larkspur you see in our logo is my daughter, Emma's birth flower. I carried her until 38 weeks and then she stepped over to Heaven. But she will always be a part of me and I am so thankful for the hope I have that I will see her again. It is the kind of hope that doesn't quit. And that hope, I also see in the eyes of our artisans and their families as they have overcome poverty and began to build legacies of hope.
At EverHope Collective, we are family, and as a retail partner, YOU are family. When you hold the products in your hands created by the hands of our artisans, we hope you feel connected to this story of hope.

In December 2021, we opened a brick + mortar location in my hometown of Cairo, GA. We are excited to be a part of the downtown revitalization of the "Hospitality City." Visit our shop Tuesday-Friday (11-5) and Saturday (10-3).
Location: 137 S Broad St. | Cairo, GA 39828
When one cries, we all cry. When one laughs, we all laugh. —Maribel, Founding Artisan

Founder + Director